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Former Prosecutor Faces Trial In Federal Court

Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted on One Count

Former Prosecutor Faces Trial in Federal Court

Charges Stem from Alleged Fraud and Misuse of Funds

A former top prosecutor for the city of Baltimore was convicted Tuesday on one count. Marilyn Mosby, who was Baltimore's highest-ranking prosecutor from 2015 to earlier this year, was found guilty of perjury and making false statements on loan applications.

Mosby had been charged with four counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements on loan applications. The charges stemmed from allegations that she lied about her income and assets on loan applications and used campaign funds for personal expenses.

The jury deliberated for about eight hours before reaching a verdict. Mosby was found guilty of one count of perjury and one count of making false statements on a loan application. She was acquitted on the remaining three charges.
